Indulge his senses

Indulge his senses

Hey Beauties!

Did you miss us? We’ve been working diligently behind the scenes on building the Wine Down Beauty empire so be sure to follow us on IG to see what we’re up to. Also, if you haven’t already, tune into the Wine Down Beauty podcast hosted by our CEO, Fee.


Fee dropped some gems on the last episode for the guys on how to help their ladies feel good and relax. So ladies, if you have a guy that’s willing but just may need a little direction, forward the episode over and as Fee says, “help him help you”. While the guys get the ladies together, we want to give some advice for the ladies looking to keep it how it is, so he never says how it used to be. Or maybe he’s already said how it used to be in which case, it’s time to heat it back up. Something to keep in mind when it comes to pleasure and satisfaction is the five senses. It’s a known fact that guys are more visual than anything so of course getting yourself all dolled up every so often is a must but not only that, create the atmosphere. Set the tone and make sure your space is together! Chaos thrives in clutter and organization creates peace; be his peace sis. You know that first breath you take after you’ve done a deep cleaning, lit your candles, and cracked the window a little? Its tranquilizing, right? I’m not saying turn into Molly the Maid, but when you’re wanting your man to feel good, give him that feeling of being so aesthetically pleased that your whole body feels it. Speaking of feeling, not only is touch one of the senses, it’s also a love language. As the prettiest girl from Harlem once said, “Give him something he can feel”.

Even if you don’t have time to break out the massage oil, those little touches in passing can hold so much sentiment. The stroking of the beard, the caressing of the ear lobe. Those touches are not only reassuring but they’re nurturing. It gives “I adore you” type vibes and who doesn’t want to feel that from their partner? Or you can give great skin with some Wine Down Beauty skin care! Its for the guys too, ya know? Smooth skin will make him feel good and make you want to touch him all the time. Touch is that non-verbal affirmation of love but sometimes they do need to hear it as well. Telling your man how much you love and appreciate him goes a long way. Send him random sweet text messages throughout his day. If you really want to get creative, you could write him little love notes and leave them in random places for him to find. Either way make sure he knows what he means to you. Now, the last two senses are dead giveaways. We all love to hear our men tell us that we smell good but besides ourselves there are other ways to indulge smell. For instance, a good linen spray when the sheets are fresh out of the dryer will give anyone a goodnight’s rest. The aroma of some good food is one of the best smells we get to experience. There’s a reason aroma therapy is its own industry; it’s pleasant and effective.  Lastly, we have taste. For those of us who culinarily challenged, this area can take some work lol. Sometimes we may have to take HIM out to eat or send HIM some money for lunch on the cash app or bring home his favorite snack. Those gestures let them know that we don’t take for granted the things that they do to satisfy us and our taste buds. Try some of these tips and help your man get into his own Wine Down Beauty mood of relax, healthy, sexy!

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These are great tips and help with intimacy too. I love it… and my beau does too.


These are great tips and help with intimacy too. I love it… and my beau does too.


I really zoned out and started imagining everything mentioned. Then I realized, I haven’t gotten my earlobe caressed in a minute, let me go get my life together lol. Good read!

Korryn Dottery

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